Winding Down with Naomi

Hmm...what is this all about, really? It's me jotting down ideas about things that go on in my life, and some occassional pictures of things I've seen and done.

My Photo
Location: Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Some pictures from August

And a bit of a description to go with them!

I know. I spent so much time with the long weekend at the beginning of August, you thought I'd never get around to my puttering around in Miramichi or my trip to Ontario. Well. Here it is! At least the first part. I didn't get through all of the photos yet (Anna- some of you in the next set!).

Ok! Well. I visited the river here, The Miramichi river. It's quite pretty. There are some fun, rickety stairs you can take down to the shore not far from here.

Then just up the road is the French Fort Cove. It's quite pretty. I had an enjoyable time hiking around the cove. I hope to do it again before I leave here.

Then some not so great photos of where I'm staying while I'm here. It's not a bad set up! (I don't use the second bedroom/bath).

I traveled home in August. Had some fun with Effie's girls, stayed at Tracey's and visited Kevin in London, visited Kirk, Pol and girls in Chatham, then traveled to Windsor to have fun at Shar's place. No, I cannot post all of those photos here. Shar would hunt me down.

I got together with the girls and we picked up dresses. You guys will see those soon enough. Minimal photos of that section of the trip.

On the day the Tornados traveled near Toronto, Durham and home, I was on the road too. I was close to some of the storm, though I didn't see it first hand. I got some fun pictures of clouds, but they'll wait for another day. I went to Toronto to visit with Anusha and Anh. I miss you girls!!

I think that's all this one's gonna be about tonight. I have to pack and get ready for the seminars I have to go to in Digby for the last few days of the week.

Also- a belated shout out to all those with birthday's this month: Uncle Steve, Phil, Shar, little R, and everyone else I'm forgetting- oops.

Monday, September 07, 2009 maybe I need the fat lady to sing or something!

Long weekend (part 5)- It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings*.

Some more of Peter's photos from our trip to Cape Breton. I will have fewer words, more photos for this one. Then hopefully next post will bring us closer to where we are currently. (i.e. I will do an update of all the fun that has happened SINCE the first weekend of August!)

Louisbourg Fortress and surrounding area make up this first set of photos. There were a bunch of individuals acting like townspeople wandering the town.

Des Roches House

M. Des Roches
In town:

The goose in the corner bit the cook...doesn't look so feisty now!Just beyond this garden was a dig.This means war!
Naomi: a tourist lost in yesteryear.

A "portrait" of Alexander Graham Bell.
This one is for Rebecca & Adrian- let me know if you can't read what it says!
Look familiar?!
A bird crossed our path.
Dust kicked up as we drove in to see Mary Ann Falls.Mary Ann Falls
A sign for a special person.
The Lone Shieling again.
A fun umbrella for the woods!MacIntosh Brook waterfall.
A hummingbird joined us for our brunch.
Misty mountains.The road home...
*"It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings" description is courtesy of Wikipedia : The proverb refers to Richard Wagner opera suite Der Ring des Nibelungen and its last part, Götterdämmerung. The "fat lady" is Valkyrie Brünhilde, who is traditionally presented as a very buxom lady with horned helmet, spear and round shield. Her aria lasts almost ten minutes and marks the end of the opera.