Winding Down with Naomi

Hmm...what is this all about, really? It's me jotting down ideas about things that go on in my life, and some occassional pictures of things I've seen and done.

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Location: Ontario, Canada

Friday, April 06, 2007

Happy Easter

He is Risen! He is Risen INDEED!

I know, it's still Good Friday- but truth be told, He has risen--it's even been a few years!

I thought I would share this hymn with you as my Easter wishes to you all.

O Perfect Life of Love

O perfect life of love!
All, all, is finished now,
All that He left His throne above
To do for us below.

No work is left undone
Of all the Father willed;
His toil, His sorrows, one by one,
The Scriptures have fulfilled.

No pain that we can share
But He has felt its smart;
All forms of human grief and care
Have pierced that tender heart.

And on His thorn-crowned head
And on His sinless soul
Our sins in all their guilt were laid
That He might make us whole.

In perfect love He dies;
For me He dies, for me.
O all-atoning Sacrifice,
I cling by faith to Thee.

In ev'ry time of need,
Before the judgment throne,
Thy work, O Lamb of God, I'll plead,
Thy merits, not mine own.

Yet work, O Lord, in me
As Thou for me hast wrought;
And let my love the answer be
To grace Thy love has brought.

(Text Henry W Baker, LSB: 452)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there! I just sang along with your hymn of choice (I have midi files for all the public domain hymns). We didn't sing that one in church, but it was a good one. Happy Easter!

7:17 p.m., April 10, 2007  
Blogger Effie said...

Happy Easter Aunt Naomi! (katrina helped in the typing ofthis message)

8:06 a.m., April 11, 2007  
Blogger Naomi said...

Hey Peter. I'm glad you came by and sang with me. I enjoyed it! I could hear your nice tenor over the miles...heehee

Thank you effie and Katrina! Glad you both came by to chat! Hope to see you soon!

8:41 p.m., April 12, 2007  

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