Winding Down with Naomi

Hmm...what is this all about, really? It's me jotting down ideas about things that go on in my life, and some occassional pictures of things I've seen and done.

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Location: Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Hi everyone.

I haven't been around much, and not only because I've been sleeping, but for other reasons too. There have been exams, studying, traveling (not super far- but far enough--HOME!) I've been playing with organizing my next year, trying to figure out where I want to go to do different things. I may be going abroad for a little bit...trying to decide just how long and where! (No saying where I've decided here on the blog please).

I was home this past weekend. We went window shopping in Thornbury- wow! Are the stores there ever pricey.

A friend of mine, John-boy, is now a daddy! Congrats to John and his wife and their new little girl. God bless you all!

It's warm out, 27 C before the humidity is accounted for. I think that might be adding to my feeling of sleepiness. (The real reason for the title). Also why my post is a little random and odd...just splatting out things here and there.

Please, comment, share your brain splats with me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...



9:03 a.m., June 15, 2007  
Blogger Naomi said...

Ewww...come on! Don't leave your splats so I can't clean them up and return them to you! I don't want that sitting here all mussy! Please say who's splatting, at least!

6:28 p.m., June 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you'd tell it was me just from the inherent silliness...

8:43 a.m., June 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do my splatting in the privacy of my own home, thank you!!
So where are you going and can I come?

12:46 p.m., June 18, 2007  
Blogger Naomi said...

Should have known!

Hi Aunt Nancy- not going anywhere right now. Just working in Ottawa!

Talk to you guys soon!

10:09 p.m., June 18, 2007  

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