Winding Down with Naomi

Hmm...what is this all about, really? It's me jotting down ideas about things that go on in my life, and some occassional pictures of things I've seen and done.

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Location: Ontario, Canada

Monday, March 13, 2006


Busy...and tired

I'm off to bed shortly, but just wanted to say hello.

ALSO! Happy Anniversary Effie and your sweetie-pie!

Today's been a long day! 10 hours with the dr...running here and there in the hospital and the office....I'm ready for bed!
(I also managed to score a couple of goals tonight playing mini-hockey with my uncles and cousins! Such fun!)

Talk to you all later!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey--I was told to tell you Grandma has made it home now. I forgot to send the email last night, so I hope this is good enough.

7:08 a.m., March 14, 2006  
Blogger Effie said...

Thanks Darlin'!

4:28 p.m., March 16, 2006  
Blogger Naomi said...

Yup...good enough, but i just got the message Petey! Hehe..I haven't been online much lately.

Heading home tomorrow! Talk to you all later!
You're very welcome Effie!

10:52 p.m., March 16, 2006  

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