Winding Down with Naomi

Hmm...what is this all about, really? It's me jotting down ideas about things that go on in my life, and some occassional pictures of things I've seen and done.

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Location: Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A fun weekend

*Update* PHOTOS!

This weekend was fun! I enjoyed my time at home. I was very, very glad to be able to make it home to celebrate with my mom, to visit with two sisters, a brother, a close friend and many good friends! Ah! Home, where there is time to sit back, relax, enjoy.

Walking around town is always a treat. I took pictures...but don't think I'll put them up yet. I will, however, put them up sooner or later. Likely around the time when I can show you some pictures I took of a double rainbow. It was very cool!

Hugs to all I saw this weekend, and more to those I didn't.

It's time I was off!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are great photos! I'm glad you had a good weekend.

10:05 p.m., July 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Shar! I had to do a fair bit of coaxing to get the second rainbow to show in Na's photos!

(Mind you I am a little jealous because I haven't seen a double rainbow since I got my first good camera in 2000 or so...)

8:49 a.m., July 05, 2007  
Blogger Naomi said...

I'm glad you're both happy with them!!

Shar, thanks! I'm glad I did too!

Peter--but you HAVE seen fun things like sundogs etc...what was that at the end of December in Hamilton??

I hope to add more photos...but it remains to be seen when that will be!

3:44 p.m., July 05, 2007  

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