Winding Down with Naomi

Hmm...what is this all about, really? It's me jotting down ideas about things that go on in my life, and some occassional pictures of things I've seen and done.

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Location: Ontario, Canada

Friday, May 19, 2006 many forms

I'm excited!!

I even tried to *click my heels together* on the way home from school today. I wasn't all that sucessful, but I didn't fall flat on the ground either!

The reason for the excitement: I'm done with my homework for the school year--NO MORE PBL!
WOOHOO!!! (Only in first and second years of school do we have this problem based learning....though I truly will continue to learn in a similar fashion for who knows how long!)

Also- on Tuesday night I had my OSCE- Effie- this is a practical exam-hands on, etc. What a LONG night! We were to start at 7:30, or at least arrive then, and we didn't start til ~8:30, and went for 2 hours. LONG, LONG night! What this means, though, is I'm also done the PSD section of this course- skills development....and I have a little breathing room!

A little bit of excitement for the day:
Well, I was making supper (a cream of broccoli and beef + noodles meal) and Fiona ran down the stairs, after I had heard the phone ringing upstairs. I was checking her face for signs of bad news--none were there. Whew! (too many crazy things going on round here lately! Mary & Fiona in a car accident last weekend-both are fine, a scare about her grandma a little while back--Fiona running down the stairs doesn't always have a nice reason behind it!) What she came to tell me was that there was someone coming to check out the apartment, in about 5 minutes...We both made a scramble to clean up the place, at least a little, and I took my "finished" supper off the stove, served myself and said hello to the girl looking the place over. Well, the noodles weren't quite done, but I didn't crunch my way through them! Not that exciting a story, I know...told you is was just a bit of excitement! I can't ALWAYS have great tales to tell!

Here's a note to one of my good friends.

Johnny--have a good wedding tomorrow! All the best to you and Charleen! God bless your day and your wedded life!! HUGS!

Now...I ought to get back to more exam!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean you won't be living there anymore?

8:36 p.m., May 21, 2006  
Blogger Cara said...

Hey there Naomi,
I finally found your blog! I hope the pasta wasn't too crunchy. Sean would certainly approve of your dinner! Also, does that mean you won't be living there anymore?

8:51 p.m., May 21, 2006  
Blogger Naomi said...

Hi to both of you curious sorts...(special welcome to you Cara!)

No, this doesn't mean I wont be living here. I'm moving up in the world, as in, I'll be living upstairs starting August. Same house, different room, no longer a troglodyte (or cave dweller). This means that my current room is up for rent, as is the basement apt. (But rumour has it that next year they are renting the rooms as just a part of the house, so the basement will still technically be part of my home...interesting!)
The un-fun part of this all--I have to pack after my exam is done. (Though I have a few fun things to do lined up for next weekend!!! More on that later!)
Glad Sean, the b-day boy, would approve. No, the noodles were edible...just a little more chewy than intended!

11:12 p.m., May 21, 2006  
Blogger Amy said...

Congrats on no more homework! Good luckage on your exam eh.

8:32 p.m., May 26, 2006  
Blogger Naomi said...

Thanks Amy!

Now school is done, and I'm home! Hooray!

1:33 p.m., May 30, 2006  

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