Winding Down with Naomi

Hmm...what is this all about, really? It's me jotting down ideas about things that go on in my life, and some occassional pictures of things I've seen and done.

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Location: Ontario, Canada

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Best laid plans of mice and men...


Today hasn't exactly gone to plan, or could you tell?

So far- made it a bit late to school to gather papers for a special form I need, then ended up sitting with none of my friends at the memorial for Steve. To add to that, I ran out, as quickly as I could so I could catch a bus downtown (and therefore not have to worry about parking/cost/one-way streets) and waited over 30 min for a bus that's to come every 10-15min. (Time I would have rather used chatting with classmates)

To top this all off (after getting off at the wrong stop) I find that I filled out the wrong form and now I need to get the ball rolling all over again.

Sigh! At least I have a bit of time to stop here (mid packing) and say hello before I drive off to the airport. (Mmm and there are leftovers from dinner with Chantal last night for lunch).

Look out Alex, Kelly and Little A, here I come!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I flit, I fly, I fleetly flee, I fly. Slow down sometime to breathe, ok? Oh, and don't go on a round-a-bout with a baby on your lap.... more about that later.

10:35 a.m., September 07, 2007  
Blogger Effie said...

aaack! maybe you should have made that extra trip in to school--sorry for my bad advice! Have a fun visit--send A,K, and A my love!

12:30 p.m., September 07, 2007  
Blogger Naomi said...

It wasn't bad advice darling... I got that done before the memorial started, and it wasn't a big deal...I was there early enough to actually get a seat!

I do run around a bit much, I know- but how else do I get to see the most of my family and friends who are scattered everywhere?
Seeing these three is CERTAINLY worth the running!

11:42 a.m., September 08, 2007  

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