Winding Down with Naomi

Hmm...what is this all about, really? It's me jotting down ideas about things that go on in my life, and some occassional pictures of things I've seen and done.

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Location: Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Spring! Please come back

So we were all enjoying the smells, sounds, muckiness of spring around here. We even had a pre-summer day on Friday around here. Then it happened. We got snow yesterday. It snowed a lot of the day. (It didn't amount to much, and by the time I actually was able to go home around 7:30 pm it had all melted- save the stuff hiding in very secluded/shaded areas). Then this morning: -5 C and the longjohns came back out. It felt nice to be warm on the walk to school!! (I can tell that my hair is longer now, I don't mind the walk without a hat at that temperature that must mean it's getting long.)
Peter is off on his trip soon! I hope he has great opportunities and experiences on/beside the tracks/roads!
Class is about to start- I should go! I'm learning about hearing aids and cochlear implants soon. (Got to see some of them yesterday--very interesting stuff!!)


Blogger Effie said...

Interesting but very controversial, especially in Deaf circles--some people think that cochlear implants being forced on children is very wrong--especially if the child was Deaf from birth--if a person LOST their hearing gradually, then I can see the merit, but if it is just something foreign that is introduced it ends up being more of a nuisance and an issue than a help. I have a video that you may wish to watch--it is close-captioned for the hearing as it is all in time I see you you can borrow it to your class just for a view from the Deaf Community and their point of view!

2:39 p.m., April 05, 2006  
Blogger Naomi said...

I guess no one wants to comment on Spring...or the come-and-go talents of this one!

I had an interesting discussion about your comment Effie...we'll have to chat about it at some point too. It's an interesting culture/circle.

So I was driving around in snow last night. That wasn't making me very happy, but then again, neither is the -3 C that seems to be going on right now!

SPRING where are you?!
(Word ver- slpes? Has spring slipped? Does it Sleep?

11:39 a.m., April 08, 2006  

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