Winding Down with Naomi

Hmm...what is this all about, really? It's me jotting down ideas about things that go on in my life, and some occassional pictures of things I've seen and done.

My Photo
Location: Ontario, Canada

Monday, February 23, 2009

Less than 53 hours

On Wednesday, Naomi is going where she has never gone before...

British Columbia! Woohoo! I'm getting excited. I get to visit my sister and my friend Chantal. (Don't let me forget my camera, people...that would be a sad day, indeed!)

I'm happy to have some vacation. I'm happy to get to visit with Rebecca. I'm happy!! :)

Today was an interesting day. A snow day. But only sort of. I seem to be in that stage of life where snow isn't supposed to stop you from going to work. Things still need to get done, and at times there's no one but you to do them. (Not entirely the case today, but I did feel bad not being able to get in until almost noon.) At one point this morning even the ploughs had been pulled off the roads! Lots of fun snow. And clearing off my car and the snow around it made me really tempted to make a snowman. Sigh.

Any snowmen in your winter yet?
Any suggestions of things to bring with me to BC or Bec?

Monday, February 09, 2009

Just wanted to say hello


Not all that much going on here...I just felt the need to write and say hello. It's been a while.

I've booked a week of vacation. WOOHOO! I'm going to be visiting Rebecca...and hopefully Chantal (maybe I should let her know of this plan of mine).

I've done a few "home-improvement" things around my place. It's more that I'm setting things where I want them. I now have a magnetic circle on my wall- holding up a calendar and photos. I re-potted my Christmas tree (it's alive...hopefully will grow to hold more and bigger ornaments next year) and have a new shelf. It still needs work to get filled, as I don't quite know what I want it to hold yet.

I know a few people with calls at the moment- I'm keeping them in my prayers as they prayerfully consider them.


I think that's all for now. For later this week...check this out: Remember this?