Yup. I miss Mr Darcy. Not, he's gone missing or that nebulous "Mr Darcy" part of my life is non-existent, though, in a way, that works too.
He's staying at mom and dad's place, currently. I thought it might be a little hard on him, two long car rides in less than 2 months time. I try to care for the creatures in my life.
Where this stems from is: I've been back in Ottawa for a week now. Each morning as I finish breakfast, I turn toward where Mr Darcy (and Finnigan before him) used to reside. The spot is filled with other things, and I wistfully turn away, wishing for that bright flash of colour, that good morning fin flare.
Life is going well here. Busy. Full of things to do on the weekend. Hopefully I'll take next weekend "off"!