Pancakes for breakfast
Can you guess what I ate for breakfast? If you guessed're right! But I also had pancakes! (That was an easy way to have blueberry pancakes!!) I was thinking of adding a banana to the mix, but with the mix fully stirred I turned away to grab the banana and the whisk fell to the floor. What a mess. (I REALLY don't like having a carpeted kitchen!) I cleaned that up and decided that I'd have no bananas today!
The pancakes were yummy. I didn't really do this to empty the house of I guess it was slightly silly...but then again, so am I!
I usually don't have time to spend an hour with making, eating and clearing up after breakfast. I really enjoyed not starting classes til noon for a change. Everyone in class seemed more all starts soon guys!! Clerkship will have us rolling out of bed much earlier than our usual start with 8:30 classes.
The rest of the day went pretty well. Our practical class of the afternoon brought up some difficult issues. I wanted to cry at times.
Lent begins tomorrow. I dont' think I'm giving anything up...but we'll see! I may give up! Don't worry. I'm just teasing. It's the only way I keep in touch with some people...I'd miss you too much!
I'm off. Please, if you do stop by, hit the comment button and add one...I like to hear from you too!!